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Rules of Conduct Policy

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Rules of Conduct Policy

Purpose: This policy establishes a code of conduct for patrons of the James Prendergast Library, in order to maintain a peaceful environment where the public can access information resources and services without disruption.

Zero-Tolerance Violations: Any action that violates the law, creates a volatile situation, and/or is dangerous to self or others.

  • Harassment: Engaging in behaviors that disrespect or threaten other library users or staff.
  • Violence: Committing verbal, physical, or written (including electronic) violent, threatening, harassing, or abusive behavior toward library users and staff.
  • Possession of deadly weapon: The library is defined as a sensitive location per New York State Penal   Law 255.01-e, and therefore, firearms, knives, swords, etc., are not permitted on library property unless the person carrying the weapon is a law enforcement officer.
  • Drug Use: Possessing, selling, and/or distributing drugs or drug paraphernalia on library property.
  • Equipment Misuse: Theft, and intentional defacement, or damage of library materials or property.
  • Sexual Misconduct: Transmitting or displaying pornography or obscene images in the library.
  • Hate Speech: Communication that carries no meaning other than expressing hatred for a group of people and may provoke violence. It includes any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons.
  • Illegal Activity: Committing or attempting to violate local, state, or federal law.

Disruptive Behaviors: Any action that restricts the ability of others to use the library or interferes with the regular operation of the library, which may result in a suspension of library privileges.

  • Volume: Electronic or speaking volume that significantly disturbs others.
  • Smoking: Smoking or vaping on library property, per Section 1399-o of New York’s Public Health Law, it is forbidden to smoke within 100 feet of library property.
  • Open Flame: Using candles, matches, and lighters or otherwise generating an open flame.
  • Parkour: Running, jumping, pushing, climbing, riding (bikes, skateboards, roller skates, etc.) in the building or on library grounds.
  • Public Safety: Per the library’s Health and Safety Policy, any activity, substance, or odor posing a health hazard to patrons and employees is prohibited.
  • Rearranging: Moving library furniture or equipment without permission from library staff.
  • Solicitation: Solicit, petition, or distribute materials inside or outside the library that the library has not approved.
  • Repetition: Repeated violation of library policies.

Minor Behaviors: Any action that is not permitted because it interferes with the regular operation of the library, which may result in a removal for the remainder of the day.

  • Food and Drink: Keep food and beverage in designated areas; food should be limited to snack-type items. All beverages must have a lid; alcohol cannot be consumed on library property.
  • Inappropriate Attire: Entering the library or library property barefoot or without a shirt; wearing masks or other items with the effect of obscuring identity while in the library.
  • Loitering: Loitering or congregating in areas not intended for public use, and/or blocking entrances, walkways, restrooms, access to library collection, services, or outdoor spaces.
  • Loitering in Children’s Room: Entering or loitering for any period of time near areas or programs designated for children, unless accompanied by a child, or specifically utilizing children’s materials.
  • PDA: Engaging in excessive public displays of affection.
  • Pets: Pets are not permitted in the library, except as allowed by library-approved events. Service dogs are welcome in the library.
  • Sleeping: Sleeping or laying down in the library or on library property.
  • Unattended or Large Items: Leaving bags unattended in the library; attempting to bring bicycles, foot scooters, or larger possessions inside the library. Skateboards and small scooters can be carried in the library.
  • Unsupervised Children: Per the library’s Child Safety Policy, children ages 8 years old or under and not yet in second grade must be directly supervised by a parent, guardian or caregiver while in the library.

Any patron who disregards the above-listed prohibited behaviors or engages in any other conduct deemed inappropriate by library staff may be asked to provide identification and/or to leave library property and/or may have their library privileges restricted.


Approved by the James Prendergast Library Board of Trustees 6/17/2021
Revised 11/18/2021
Revised 2/17/2022
Revised 10/20/2022
Revised 5/18/2023
Revised 1/16/2025