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Obituary and Research Request Form

If a research request requires less than 15 minutes of staff time, there is no charge. For extended searches, we charge per hour. Additional time after the first hour will be billed after the project is complete. You may request a maximum time to be spent on the project. Payment must be made by check from US banks or by PayPal

Obituaries: $15.00 for the first hour of research; $7.50 for each hour thereafter. 


    • Standard: (nonprofits/individual)
      $25 per hour
    • Commercial: (for-profit organizations)
      $50 per hour

For more information about our research process and genealogy resources available at the library, visit our Genealogy @ Prendergast page.

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Email is preferred to send scans of documents. If you have an email address, please enter it above.