Co-Central Library Plan
Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System
Co-Central Library Plan, 2022-2026
Purpose Statement
The James Prendergast Library and the Olean Public Library are the Co-Central Libraries for the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System. In their roles as Co-Central Libraries, they provide high quality library service to all member libraries and the communities they serve. Central Library Aid is used to supplement member library reference service and nonfiction collections, support system-wide databases, provide reference services, and provide training to member libraries.
Co-Central Library Advisory Committee
The Central Library Advisory Committee(CLAC) will establish priorities for the use of the Central Library Aid and provide general oversight.
• The Central Library Advisory Committee will be made up of seven representatives: CCLS Executive Director (or their designee), the Directors of the James Prendergast Library and the Olean Public Library, two representatives from Chautauqua county, and two representatives from Cattaraugus county.
• Member library representatives will serve on the CLAC for two year terms.
• The CLAC will meet two times, or as needed, per year.
• The CCLS Executive Director, in consultation with the Directors of the James Prendergast Library and Olean Public Library, will appoint the county representatives to the committee.
• The CLAC will establish priorities for the use of Central Library Aid.
Goal Statements
Goal 1—Collection Development and Resource Sharing
The Co-Central Libraries will provide assistance with high quality non-fiction, reference information, digital/electronic services, and training opportunities for all member libraries.
Intended Result:
• Member libraries will have access to circulating non-fiction materials in high-demand and in subject areas that are not well covered by other member libraries.
• Non-circulating reference materials will be available to member libraries by request for in-library use.
• Databases and ematerial platforms will be accessible 24 hours a day to all Member Libraries.
Evaluation Methods:
• Co-Central Libraries will prepare usage reports for circulating items purchased in the prior year. Reports will be provided to the CLAC for review.
• Co-Central staff will work with the CCLS Coordinated Collection Development Committee and the CLAC to identify areas of the nonfiction collection that would benefit from annual Central Library Aid support.
• CLAC will review proposed areas of collection development by use of survey to member libraries.
• Shared econtent will be evaluated for cost effectiveness and use annually.
• CLAC will annually review and revise recommendations for digital collections and content.
• Member library surveys.
Goal 2—Reference Services
Member Libraries will have access to high quality reference and information services.
Intended Result:
• Co-Central Library staff will provide Member Library staff and patrons with remote reference through services such as phone, email, and online chat.
• Co-Central Libraries will provide guidance to member libraries on using social media channels as an avenue for reference requests.
Evaluation Methods:
• Usage statistics
• Member library surveys
• Anecdotal accounts
Goal 3—Public Service Staff Training and Education
Co-Central Libraries will provide best practices training on topics relevant to library works, such as reference assistance, readers advisory, and electronic resources.
Intended Result:
• Training opportunities will be made available virtually and recorded for future viewing whenever possible.
• Co-Centrals will contribute to a library of recorded trainings available on the CCLS website.
• Co-Centrals will support System-led training opportunities by providing space and technical assistance.
Evaluation Methods:
• Workshop statistics and post-workshop surveys
• Member library surveys
• Anecdotal accounts