Library Updates
Construction is Coming!

Exciting News!
The library was awarded an NYS Aid for Library Construction Grant to update the front entrance and doors, Circulation Desk, and Children’s Room! The grant improves accessibility, services, and security! Stay tuned for more information!
Q & A
How is the project funded?
The project is 100% grant-funded. We applied for a grant through the State Aid for Library Construction Program, a grant opportunity available to libraries across New York State. The Sheldon Foundation & The Lenna Foundation granted the remaining 25% match required to receive the NYS grant. Thank you to the funders for making this project possible!
When will the project start?
Hopefully early April and continue until mid-May. This timeframe is subject to change.
Will the library be close to the public?
Yes, the library will be closed to the public for 6-12 days to install the new front doors. However, we will not have to close for the whole timeframe. Once we have those dates set, we will post them on social media and the website and send information to media outlets.
Will library services or programs be disrupted during the construction project?
Certain library areas will be closed for the project’s duration for the safety of library users and staff. However, most services and programs will continue or move to other library areas. We are also working with neighborhood community partners to offer offsite programming.